Getting… your KMP project into npm

Carlos Mota
4 min readApr 27, 2021
Getting… your KMP project into npm cover image

I’ve recently had to configure my Kotlin Multiplatform shared module to work with npm. I’m more familiar with Gradle, so configuring everything to use npm had a couple of challenges.

Using Nexus

I’m already using Nexus to store artifacts for the mobile builds. Nonetheless, those use maven, so in order to use npm you’ll need to create new repositories:

  1. npm-private repository for your packages
  2. npm-proxy to access the official registry
  3. npm-group to access the above repositories under a single URL

The blog.sonatype contains all the steps required to create these three repositories.

Adding credentials

If your repository is behind credentials, you’ll need to define your username/password before publishing it.

Creating the npm configuration file (.npmrc)

To do this, you can use the .npmrc. This is a configuration file for npm where you can define a set of variables. In this case, you’re going to define the registry along with the user authentication.

The easiest way to see where this config file is located is to run the command:

npm config ls -l

It will output a set of variables, one of them is the userconfig. Typically, it’s under:


Note: If this file isn’t created, you can do it via the logic command:

npm login

Configuring your credentials

Open the .npmrc file and add your repository and user configurations:


Looking at this configuration in more detail, you have:

  • registry
    Corresponds, to the npm group repository that you’ve configured before
  • email
    Your email
  • always-auth
    Forces npm to always require authentication when accessing registry.
  • _auth
    Authentication using base64.

In order to calculate the base64 value of your username and password, you can enter:

echo -n ‘<your_username>:<your_password’ | openssl base64

Creating a test project

To test if everything is working, create a new package and publish it.

Start by creating an empty folder:

mkdir npm-test

Enter in it:

cd npm-test

Create a new npm package:

npm init -y

The flag -y is used to generate the package.json already pre-filled.

Add a .js file

touch index.js

Now that the project is created, update the package.json and add the publishConfig attribute properly configured:

"name": "npm-test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "https://<your_url>/repository/npm-private/"
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \”Error: no test specified\” && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

Remember that the registry URL corresponds to the private repo that you’ve created before.

Now that everything is configured, enter:

npm publish

You should see an output similar to this one:

npm notice
npm notice 📦 npm-test@1.0.0
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 0 index.js
npm notice 324B package.json
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name: npm-app1
npm notice version: 1.0.0
npm notice package size: 333 B
npm notice unpacked size: 324 B
npm notice shasum: 1574f9b6d9cc94df4a5e3e56a2300b004dca229a
npm notice integrity: sha512-QW3/j4Ke3OyMr[…]gBgMfEvjrzmlw==
npm notice total files: 2
npm notice

Publishing the KMP JS module

Now that you’ve confirmed that everything is working fine it’s time to publish the JS artifact that you’ve created from your shared module. So it can later be used from your web project.

Don’t forget that if you building for the web, you’ll need to add it as a platform. On build.gradle.kts add:

js(LEGACY) {
sourceSets {
val jsMain by getting {
//add any dependency here

Now that everything is set up, enter:

gradle build

To generate a build to all the platforms that you’ve defined.

After your build ends successfully, you should have a build folder with a js subfolder that contains:

  • node_modules
  • packages
  • packages_imported
  • package.json

Looking at all the files and folders, the package.json holds all the project metadata required by npm. Similar to what you’ve done in the previous section, you’ll need to add the publishConfig attribute to your (private) repository.

"publishConfig": {
"registry": "https://<your_url>/repository/npm-private/"

Sometimes, you also need to define version.

An example of a correct package.json is:

"name": "shared",
"version": "1.0",
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "https://<your_url>/repository/npm-private/"

"workspaces": [
"resolutions": {},
"devDependencies": {},
"dependencies": {},
"peerDependencies": {},
"optionalDependencies": {},
"bundledDependencies": []

Now that everything is set, just enter:

npm publish

And your package should be successfully deployed.

Using your newly created package

Now that you’ve successfully published your package, you can use it in your project via:

npm install shared@1.0

That’s it!

Do you have a better approach? Something didn’t quite work with you?

Feel free to reply here or send me a message 🙂



Carlos Mota

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